Bangladesh Institution of Modern Marketing (BIMM) plays an integral part in building and supporting a strong connected marketing community in Bangladesh.

Every single day, the BIMM team interacts with the people and businesses in the industry across the country, across sectors and marketing specializations, and at different career levels. So, whether you’re still at tertiary marketing student or a CMO – or anything in between – BIMM provides you opportunities to network with your peers, learn from experts and access to relevant content.

As a member of the BIMM, you’ll be part of an 8,000 strong community of marketers, whom you can meet through our networking evenings, events, workshops, Special Interest Groups and Committees, Advisory Boards, Awards Judges panels, CMO Forums, Awards nights and much more. In our member directory you can see who else from your industry are members and in our supplier directory you can find experts that are part of our community.

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